
Can We Trust The Bible?

1 book written by 40 different authors from different backgrounds, made up of 66 books written over a period of 1500 years, in an era of no mobile phones, no texting facilities, no blogs. The authors could not facebook each other to see if everything matched up. Yet it has a definite thread of continuity that constantly runs through it from beginning to end: The Old Testament was God's promise that he would destroy death. The New Testament tell us how he did it.

Oxford Scholar Alfred Edersheim cites 400 Old Testament prophecies that point to the coming Messiah and to his life and death. Jesus perfectly fulfilled every single one of them. For 8 of these prophecies to have been fulfilled by accident would be 1 chance in 1000 x 100 billion. In other words it would be the same as covering the whole of Britain 2 feet deep in 1p coins, putting a cross in one of them, mixing it all up again, blind folding someone giving them 30 minutes to find the marked penny. Mind blowing! 

Yes we can trust the Bible! Why not give it a go today.
