
Heart Of A Hero

We are starting a new series at our church called "Heart Of A Hero". It's based on Isaiah 58:6-11. See also Angela's post. We will be looking into the life of the greatest man who ever lived and learn only one principle he left for us to follow.

Jesus died to give us life, he lived to preach the kingdom, he came to build his church, he showed us a pathway to greatness opposite to the world’s standards - SERVANTHOOD!. I could even summarise what we do in the following way:

Church = Impact through serving

Jesus was the ultimate example of a leader, celebrity, rebel, king, philanthropist, prophet, healer etc. He achieved all this by doing only one thing - Serving.

It's not worth holding onto the things of this world and in the words of Jim Elliot, "He is no fool who loses what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." (Mt. 6:19)

1 comment:

  1. I am really looking forward to this series!
