
Unity Has No Labels

Fundamentalist, liberal, post-modern, emerging, traditional. These are just a few words some people use in their Christian circles to label others and even themselves.

Here is the thing about labels: You demote yourself from Son of God, passionate follower of Jesus to a fundamentalist or liberal or whatever you want to call yourself. Here is another thing about labels, you also get associated to that group and if their fame is not a good one your reputation also goes down the drain, creating an instant barrier between you and other people, causing instant division. Yet another thing about labels, you feel the need to defend your thesis or point of view instead of talking about the one thing that matters the most - the gospel. Or maybe this is just a subtle excuse for us to talk about our favourite subject... ourselves.

The amazing things He has done in our lives gets replaced by questions, dissections and discussions about methodologies overlooking the core message that is being preached. We get caught up in conversation about labels instead of discussing strategies on how to win those who are lost and (on a daily basis) crying out for answers.

Am I going crazy or Jesus did say that we would be known by our love for one another? Who cares about methods, as long as you are preaching that Jesus is God's only begotten son and the only way to heaven. Should we maybe stop over analysing and start getting busy with loving one another?

I think there are way too many Christians with too much time on their hands in this world. Lets stop the useless talk and start concentrating on what actually matters!

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