
Creating A Microcosm

Microcosm = a small place, society or situation which has the same characteristics as something much larger.

From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.
Matthew 11:12

Culture architecture can be hard work. One thing is to inherit a well established organisation where the culture within it has been tested and proved successful. But taking outsiders on this journey can definitely be time consuming. Take our church for instance, D7 is a baby church where most people come from an unchurched background, add to that addictions, deteriorating lifestyles, abuse, traumas etc and you have a nice challenge before you. Thank God for Hebrews 13:6!

That's why in our church we've had to create everything in a small scale. Our core team is going to dictate the culture for the rest of the church. In the way that the first 20 people in our church act, interact, give etc, will translate in the way that the next 50, 100, 10000 will also behave. So I insist that it is the primary task of my core team to set the culture for the rest of the church. We have to get this right from the very beginning as there is way too much at stake. We'll have to model and in order to accomplish this we have to create a microcosm. 

We are here to build a church; the closest thing people in modern society will get from Jesus. So we dress for where we are going not for where we are. We are dreaming big dreams. We’ve often looked bigger than we were, out of place, and “overdressed”. But eventually we will not look awkward anymore. You see, we will either dress down to fit in or dress up for where we are heading. For example we've had to apply reverse engineering concepts to what we do, we've had to start with the end in mind and that means that we are now prepared to accommodate more people than we currently have. The answers and the way we do things should be uniform. Different scenarios, one vision, one way! 

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